About The Book
An Unexpected Love
Evan Elliott arrives in a small town in the northwest of Washington State as the new General Manager for a mining company. There he meets the exceptionally beautiful and talented Dior, and an instant attraction is felt between them.
Dior has an eccentric and overcontrolling mother that keeps Dior’s movements contained.

About The Book
The Second Proposal
Mary Monroe has given up a promising musical career, to work at the local bank and honour the repayment of her father’s loan. The scandal of her father’s debt, and the jealousy from the locals over her early musical career combined with her natural good looks, left her excluded from local social activities
The new bank manager, Ric Huston, had lived in the community as a young boy and remembers Mary very well.
When he was known as Four Eyes Freddie, he had proposed to Mary in the fifth grade. She had accepted

About The Author
Katheryn Louise Grayce
Katheryn Louise Grayce, an emerging author with a passion for crafting romantic narratives, has embarked on a literary journey to fulfill a lifelong dream. Nestled in the captivating landscapes of southeastern British Columbia, Katheryn draws inspiration from the rich history of a city that flourished during the Gold Rush of the 1850s.
Residing in a meticulously restored vintage home from the late 1800s, affectionately referred to as both “home” and “part museum” by her two children, Katheryn finds herself immersed in an environment teeming with stories waiting to be told. The historical tapestry of the Kootenays, intertwined with tales of gold seekers, forestry, fisheries, sports, and tourism, provides a captivating backdrop for her creative endeavors.

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